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What is Epilepsy

Where does the bridge commence?

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder. Epilepsy is the formal name for the seizure disorder that affects more than 50 million people worldwide.


Nearly four percent of Americans (1 in 26 people) will develop epilepsy, and public misunderstandings of epilepsy may cause challenges.

The majority of people that suffer are children and older adults, and 90% of people with epilepsy in Africa have no source of treatment.

Epilepsy does not discriminate. There has been a wide range of several influencers, for example from Fyodor Dostoevsky to Prince and Neil Young to Daniel Glover, that have fought epilepsy. We can see that epilepsy influences who you are.

Studies have shown that only about half the seizure population responds to the first medication used.  At this time there are more options, including invasive surgery, dietary adjustments including the Ketogenic diet, and in the future the Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), medicinal cannabis, and laser ablation.

There are treatments for the epilepsy fight. Not every person will reach that goal right now, but research and getting the "right care at the right time" can help more people achieve it each year.

Watch neurosurgeon Dr. Werner Doyle discuss what he's learned by treating patients who have epilepsy that doesn't respond to treatment

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